What Heaven Is Saying Today by Pastor James Durham

What Heaven is Saying Today

This morning, I saw a large wooden barrel being tipped over in Heaven. It was next to the open portal over the earth. When the barrel was on its side, a thick, amber colored liquid began to slowly flow out and go through the portal to the earth below. The Lord said that it was honey being poured out over the Earth in answer to our prayers and blessings spoken over one another to have a “sweet year.” I immediately remembered eating the traditional apples with honey during the Rosh Hashanah celebration. I remembered speaking that prayer for a sweet year over so many people. The Lord wants to release sweetness over us and into us for this new year of the Kingdom of God. Are you ready to receive it?


Not everyone is ready. The Lord spoke to me this morning and said, “Some people will not receive it because they are blocked in their spirits by so much bitterness.” I was immediately reminded of a passage of scripture I read this morning. Acts 8:17-24 (NIV), “Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.” Then Simon answered, “Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you have said may happen to me.”


Something stood out for me this morning from this scripture. It was in verse 23. Peter used his seerer anointing to locate the problem in Simon. He said, “I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.” Bitterness blocked Simon from properly seeking the gifts of the Spirit. The Lord was reminding us this morning that the same thing can happen to us. Bitterness makes you a captive of sin and blocks the flow of the Holy Spirit. It blocks the gifts of the Spirit from becoming effective in your ministry. Today, it will block the flow of honey from heaven. It can prevent you from experiencing the sweetness the Lord wants to release into you during this entire year.


I was reminded of another scripture: James 4:3, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” Simon asked, but he did not receive, because he wanted the gifts of the Spirit for selfish reasons. He wanted to draw attention to himself rather than bringing glory to God. It is important to remember the root cause of his problem. He was filled with bitterness. Bitterness made him captive to sin. Sin caused him to ask amiss. The Lord wants to get to the root of the problem. We must first deal with the bitterness. The NKJV translates Peter’s words this way, “For I see that you are poisoned with bitterness and bound by iniquity.” Bitterness is poison to our spirits.


If we desire the sweetness of heaven to be poured out for us today, we must first rid ourselves of every bit of bitterness. Every day as I do the Aaronic Blessing in worship, I ask the Lord to place His hands of fire on my head and burn out every root of bitterness and every last portion of unforgiveness. This morning, Gloria and I received a major and powerful answer to that prayer. I do it every day because I want to keep my spirit free so that the Holy Spirit can flow in and through me. It is like sweeping a house. You can’t just do it once. Dust happens and someone needs to clean it out every day. That is what I want to happen in my spirit, because I want the sweetness of Heaven. I want to walk and talk with the Lord. I want to be free to receive everything He is pouring out every day. How about you?


Every day is a good day to clean out the living room of your soul so that it will not hinder the flow in your spirit. Simon asked for Peter to pray for him. The Bible doesn’t say whether Peter prayed or not. What do you think? What is the Spirit telling you today? I believe that Peter prayed and broke it off of Simon so the Lord could use him for the Kingdom. I believe the Lord also wants to keep you free. So, I am praying for the Lord to burn out every root of bitterness and remove every last vestige of unforgiveness so that you can receive the sweet honey outpouring from heaven – so that you can experience the sweetness of the Lord all year – so the gifts of the Spirit can flow powerfully in your ministry! Amen and Amen!!!!! Did you receive it? If so, give thanks to the Lord because He is good and His mercy endures forever! Amen!