What Heaven Is Saying Today by Pastor James Durham

What Heaven is Saying Today

Hanukkah Sameach!


This morning the Lord gave me a series of visions. At first they seemed disconnected, but later I understood there was a common theme. The theme is to stay alert and be prepared for the things to come. Stand firm in your faith knowing that the Lord will care for those who belong to Him. This is a season to put all our trust in Him! Amen?


First, I saw something which looked like the box theaters use to serve popcorn. The box was filling up with ice crystals. While it was filling, a device was turning in the box to stir it up. I prayed for wisdom and understanding and the Spirit told me the following. Expect the weather to be colder this year and for there to be many ice storms. When the box overflows, ice storms will suddenly appear. It is important to be prepared for these storms. The most important part of preparing is to stay close to the Lord and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Remember Job 37:9-10, “From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds of the north. By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen.” This ice is a mysterious gift from the Lord to prepare His people for things to come. We need to pray for wisdom and revelation to understand it.


The second vision was of one of the four winds (East) preparing to blow. Wind storms will also manifest during this winter season. Be on the alert for sudden strong winds. These wind storms are important because some strongholds are going to be blown down in this season. The enemy will be angry and attempt to strike out at the saints when these strongholds begin to fall. Therefore, we need to be alert and ready for the sudden winds which are not of the Lord. Again, the most important part of preparing is to stay close to the Lord and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord revealed to me an additional purpose for the wind. It is found in Ezekiel 37:9, “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” Right now we prophesy to the wind to bring the Spirit of life to the Lord’s people. We pray in the mighty name of Yeshua ha Messiach that we may be strengthened now to be a mighty army in these last days! Amen and Amen.


Then the Lord gave me a third vision. I saw a bare foot walking on a smooth surface. Suddenly many little things began to pop up from the floor. Some of them actually popped up between the toes. Some of the things were good. They were gifts of the Spirit suddenly manifesting for the Lord’s people. They were coming up from the floor because they will release foundational gifts for our ministries. As usual the enemy counterfeits everything from the Lord. The difference is that the gifts coming from the enemy are never good. These were like little strongholds coming up to replace the ones being blown down by the wind. Their first purpose was to trip up the saints of the Lord. I understood that this tripping will be in both the natural and spiritual realm. Be very careful of tripping hazards which suddenly appear. The Lord is warning us in advance so that we can be prepared. The tripping hazards in the spiritual realm will be covered with deception. They will look good, but are designed to steal your spiritual gifts and destroy your witness for the Lord. Be very careful of sugarcoated temptations. Once again, the most important part of preparing is to stay close to Yeshua ha Messiach and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord give you wisdom and revelation to understand how these things apply to you!


Shalom, Shalom!





Pastor James Durham

Higher Calling Ministries, Intl

P.O. Box 292335

Columbia, SC 29229-0335

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you

And be gracious unto you,

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you

And establish for you Shalom, Shalom, Shalom!