What Heaven Is Saying Today by Pastor James Durham

What Heaven is Saying Today

Wow! It is a beautiful morning in Heaven. I was standing beside a vast body of water. I think it was a very wide place in the River of Life. The sky appeared like an early morning scene as the Sun is about to rise. I know there is no sun in Heaven, but I am also certain that the Lord is in charge of the lighting. As I stood looking at this awesome sight, I felt the Shalom of the Lord cover me like a blanket. Then it seemed to just soak in to the depth of my soul. I believe this Shalom of the Lord is available to you today. Just lift your hands and receive it. Suddenly, I began to hear singing. I heard: “Love, vast as the ocean!” This is a really old praise song. I believe it was one of the favorites in the Welsh Revival. Each time I heard these words, there was a mighty outpouring of the Father’s love, and I just stood there soaking all of it in. I was waiting for a word for today, and then I heard it again, “Love, vast as the ocean!” Then I knew that this is the word of the Lord today. I began to pray that this love would flow down on everyone willing to move close to the Lord today. He is certainly ready to move close to you. Wow! I am so blessed by the love and Shalom of the Lord today! How about you? The floodgates of Heaven are open right now and there is an amazing outpouring from the Lord. May you receive more than you can contain.







Pastor James Durham

Higher Calling Ministries, Intl

P.O. Box 292335

Columbia, SC 29229-0335

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you

And be gracious unto you,

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you

And establish for you Shalom, Shalom, Shalom!